united kingdom


Top 2 exciting things that you can and must do with your boyfriend

If you’re at a point in your relation when things get easy and when meeting your significant other is an everyday routine, you’re at the right track; and the relation, too, is progressing. However, when the relation comes to such a point, it can get boring if you, the lady of the relation, don’t take the necessary steps.
Many bedmates tend to do the same old stuff—watching movies, having sex, etc.—that can get boring at some point. There’s no newness into the relation; and because of this stagnancy, the relation can soon be seeing lying on its deathbed. (And that means you’ll have to prepare yourself to find a fuck buddy again.) For this reason only, we’re giving you the low-down on two of the most exciting things that you can (and must) do with your boyfriends.

Note: This tip can even be implemented by any of the gay fuck buddies.

Trivia nights

Many eateries and local bars host trivia nights occasionally. (These eateries host such nights on a weekly basis.) If the idea of going to the same joint and eating the same dish has been done to death, it’s better when you can visit a place that hosts such nights. That’s because the competitive nature of the game will let you know how much you both know each other.

Laser tagging

It’s complete fun to laser tag your significant other; you can be in the opposite team and can feel the way things turn out when the night settles. After a gruelling laser-tagging match, you both can head to a restaurant and eat to your heart’s content.

So we’re done for now, guys, girls, ladies and gents. Do keep checking this space for more interesting dope on relations, sex and other stuff. Till then, long days and pleasant nights.

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